

Monday, 19 May 2014

DIGITAL CIRCUIT (Tugas Kelompok English)

A digital circuit is a circuit where the signal must be one of two discrete levels. Each level is interpreted as one of two different states (for example, on/off, 0/1, true/false). Digital circuits use transistors to create logic gates in order to perform Boolean logic. This logic is the foundation of digital electronics and computer processing. Digital circuits are less susceptible to noise or degradation in quality than analog circuits. It is also easier to perform error detection and correction with digital signals. To automate the process of designing digital circuits, engineers use electronic design automation (EDA) tools, a type of software that optimizes the logic in a digital circuit. Jaeger, (1997: 226-233) stated that In electronics, a logic gate is an idealized or physical device implementing a Boolean function; that is, it performs a logical operation on one or more logical inputs, and produces a single logical output. Depending on the context, the term may refer to an ideal logic gate, one that has for instance zero rise time and unlimited fan-out, or it may refer to a non-ideal physical device. Signal must be a Boolean to establish a digital circuit. Digital signal is stronger than the analog signal, that is more easily detected and corrected  when it occur an error signal.
A digital circuit have many advantages, one of the advantages of the use of a digital circuit is a system used has an easy interface device to be controlled by a computer and software. That's why the information storage is done much more easily in a digital system compared to analog.  However, the advantage is reversed, this circuit also has its drawbacks include the energy used each use of this circuit is quite a lot, in addition to the components used is more expensive and is very easy once fragile. With digital systems, storage of information will be easier to do, but it is wasteful energy, the components are expensive and easy fragile.
The purpose of this article is to understand digital circuit, recognize the basics of logic gates such as AND, OR, NOT, NOR, XNOR, NAND and XOR gates, and Boolean algebra.

    B.     Logic Gates
In electronics, a logic gate is an idealized or physical device implementing a Boolean function; that is, it performs a logical operation on one or more logical inputs, and produces a single logical output. Depending on the context, the term may refer to an ideal logic gate, one that has for instance zero rise time and unlimited fan-out, or it may refer to a non-ideal physical device. And, the writer will explain: NOT gate;  AND gate and NAND gate;  OR gate and NOR gate; XOR gate and XNOR gate;

a.      NOT gate

NOT gate or can also be called by inverting (inverter) has the function of reverse logic input voltage at its output. An inverter (inverting) is a gate with one input signal and one output signal where the output state is always opposite to the input state. Flips in this case is to change into its opposite. Because the logic voltages are only two conditions, namely high and low, or "1" and "0", then the reverse logic voltage means change "1" to "0" or otherwise change the zero to one. (Tokheim, 1995). NOT gate is also called an inverter, the gate has only one input and one output. Boolean algebra of logic equations for NOT gate output is Y =   A’. Become a NOT gate output is always the opposite of its input. If a given input logic high, then the output will be generated logic low, and at low logic input is given then the output will be generated logic high.
  Inverter or not gate, It takes one input signal. In logic, there are usually two states, 0 and 1. The gate therefore sends 1 as output, if it receives 0 as input. Alternatively it received 1 as input, and sends 0 as output.

b.      AND gate and NAND gate

AND gate is a logic network with multiple entry (input) and has only one way out (output). AND gate has two or more than two signal inputs but only one output signal. In the AND gate to produce a high output signal then all input signals must be of high value. While the NAND gate is a NOT-AND, or an AND function is reversed. In other words that the NAND gate will produce a low output signal if all input signals of high value. (Malvino, 1983). AND gate is a logic gate consisting of two or more inputs and only one output. AND gate output will be high only if all inputs are high, and if one or more input logic low then, output will be low. Boolean algebra equations logic gate is Y = A.B In Boolean algebra operations AND gate marked "time" or a "point". (Tokheim, 1995). NAND gate is a combination of AND and NOT gates. NAND gate output is always the opposite of the AND gate output for the same input. So the output will be a logic high if one or more of its inputs are logic low, and the output to logic low only when all its inputs are logic high. Boolean algebra of logic equations for the output of NAND gate is Y =   A’.B’.
The AND logic gate output to logic one only if both inputs are logic one. From this it can be concluded that the gate has a logic function of multiplying the two input.

c.      OR gate and NOR gate

OR gate is one of the basic logic gates that has 2 input channels ( input ) or more and an output channel (output). Any number of input channels owned by an OR gate, it still has the same working principle whereby the output conditions will berlogic 1 if one or all input channels berlogic 1. Additionally berlogic output 0.  Similarly, NAND Gate, NOR gate is a combination of an OR gate with a NOT gate in which the output of the OR gate is connected to the line input of the NOT gate . Because the output of the OR gate in " NOT " right the working principle of a NOR gate is the inverse of the OR gate. The output is the complement or opposite of the OR gate, which gives the state of logic 0 at the output level if one or more of its inputs are logic 1. (Malvino, 1983). OR gate is the basic logic gates that have two or more inputs and only one output. OR gate output to logic high when one or more input there is a logic high, and the output to logic low only when all inputs are logic low. Boolean algebra of logic equations for the OR gate output is Y = A + B. In Boolean algebra operations OR gate labeled "plus". (Tokheim, 1995). NOR gate is a combination of OR and NOT gates. NOR gate output is always the opposite of the OR gate output for the same input. So the output to logic low if one or more of its inputs are logic high, and the output will be a logic high only when all inputs are logic low. Boolean algebra of logic equations for a NOR gate output is Y = A+ B.
So it can be said that the OR gate has only a low output signal if all input signals low value. while the NOR gate is the development of the OR gate. The development of a NOT gate installation at the output of the OR gate.

             d.      XOR and XNOR gate

X-OR gate will produce a low output signal if all input signals low value or high value the input of all other words that X-OR will produce low output signal if the input signal is all worth the same. And X-NOR Gate will produce a high output signal if all input signals of equal value (opposite of the X-OR gate). (Tokheim, 1995). Symbol of Exclusive OR gate (XOR) with two input variables and one output, the output at logic 1 if one input on the state of logic 0 or logic 1, while the output at logic state 0 if both inputs same logic. Boolean algebra of logic equations for XOR gate output is Y = A B = AB’ + A’B (Tokheim, 1995). The symbol of the arch Exclusive NOR (XNOR) with two input variables and one of the output, the output at logic 1 when the input provided on the same logic as A = 1 and B = 1 or input A = 0 and B = 0. Whereas output at logic 0 if the input provided to the contrary. Boolean algebra of logic equations for XOR gate output is Y =   AB = A’B’+ A’B.
So it can be said that the XOR gate has different input signals, the output signal high value. while the XNOR gate is the development of the XOR gate. The development of a NOT gate installation at the output of the XOR gate.

   C.     Boolean Algebra
A Boolean algebra is a six-tuple consisting of a set A, equipped with two binary operations (called "meet" or "and"), (called "join" or "or"), a unary operation ¬ (called "complement" or "not") and two elements 0 and 1 (called "bottom" and "top", or "least" and "greatest" element, also denoted by the symbols and , respectively), such that for all elements a, b and c of A, the following axioms hold:

A Boolean algebra with only one element is called a trivial Boolean algebra or a degenerate Boolean algebra. (Some authors require 0 and 1 to be distinct elements in order to exclude this case.) The simplest non-trivial Boolean algebra, the two-element Boolean algebra, has only two elements, 0 and 1, and is defined by the rules:

    C.     Conclusion
Some benefit of logic gates are can be used to make any kind of digital  logic circuit like computer circuit, television circuit, and robotic circuit. The aim gate is efficiency component of circuit electric. So, if we not use logic gate we need big component than we use logic gate. If we want use logic gate we must understand about logic algebra.

    D.     References
Firmansyah, sigit, Elektronika digital dan mikroprosesor, Penerbit ANDI, Yogyakarta, 2005.
Tokheim, Roger L, Elektronika Digital edisi kedua, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta, 1990.

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