Ruri Nur Aini (12650022)
Zuliatul Afifa (12650081)
Sakinah Amirah N.R (12650097)
Professional Codes
of Ethics
Professional Organizations
Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
ACM(Association for Computing Machinery)
atau Asosiasi untuk Permesinan Komputer adalah sebuah serikat ilmiah dan
pendidikan computer pertama didunia yang didirikan pada tahun 1947 SIG dan ACM,
mensponsori konferensi yang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan inovasi baru dalam
bidang tertentu.
Code of Ethic
General moral imperatives
Contribute to society and human well-being
Seorang profesional
di bidang komputer, ketika mendisain dan mengimplementasikan sistem, harus
dapat memastikan bahwa hasil kerjanya akan digunakan dengan cara-cara yang bisa
diterima secara sosial, akan memenuhi kebutuhan sosial, dan akan menghindari efek
berbahaya terhadap kesehatan dan kesejahteraan.
Avoid harm to others
Prinsip ini
melarang penggunaan teknologi komputer dalam cara-cara yang dapat mengakibatkan
bahaya kepada pengguna, masyarakat umum, pekerja, dan lain-lain. Perbuatan
berbahaya termasuk penghancuran dan modifikasi secara sengaja terhadap berkas
dan program yang berakibat hilangnya sumber daya atau pengeluaran yang tidak
Be honest and trustworthy
Seorang profesional
yang jujur tidak akan membuat pernyataan yang salah atau menipu secara sengaja
mengenai sebuah sistem atau desain sistem, tetapi malah akan memberikan
penyingkapan secara menyeluruh semua keterbatasan dan masalah dari sistem
Be fair and take action not to discriminate
Dalam masyarakat
yang adil, seluruh individu akan memiliki kesempatan yang sama dalam, atau
medapatkan keuntungan dari, penggunaan sumber daya komputer tanpa memperhatikan
suku, gender, agama, umur, keterbatasan fisik, kewarganegaraan atau
faktor-faktor lainnya.
Honor property rights including copyrights and patent
terhadap hak cipta, hak paten, rahasia dagang, dan seluruh bentuk lisensi
lainnya dilarang oleh hukum di sebagian besar negara. Kopi dari perangkat lunak
seharusnya dibuat hanya dengan otorisasi pemiliknya.
Give proper credit to intellectual property
Seorang profesional
diwajibkan untuk melindungi integritas dari properti intelektual. Secara lebih
spesifik, seseorang tidak boleh mengakui ide atau hasil kerja orang lain
sebagai miliknya, bahkan ketika ide atau hasil kerja tersebut belum dilindungi
oleh hak cipta, hak paten, atau lainnya.
Respect the privacy of others
Tanggung jawab
seorang profesional adalah untuk mempertahankan kerahasiaan dan integritas data
individu. Ini termasuk mengambil tindakan pencegahan untuk memastikan akurasi
data, dan juga melindunginya dari akses tidak diotorisasi atau penyingkapan
tidak sengaja kepada individu yang tidak tepat. Selanjutnya, prosedur-prosedur
harus dibuat agar setiap individu bisa meninjau kembali data mereka dan
memperbaiki kesalahan data.
Honor confidentiality
Prinsip kejujuran
diperluas sampai kepada isu kerahasiaan informasi kapanpun seseorang telah
berjanji secara eksplisit untuk menghormati kerahasiaan atau, secara implisit,
ketika informasi pribadi tidak berhubungan langsung dengan pekerjaan yang harus
More spesific professional responsibilities
Strive to achieve the highest quality, effectiveness, and
dignity in both the process and products of professional work
mungkin merupakan keharusan bagi seorang profesional. Profesional di bidang
komputer harus berusaha untuk meraih kualitas terbaik dan sadar akan
konsekuensi negatif yang serius yang terjadi karena kualitas buruk dari sebuah
Acquire and maintain professional competence
Kesempurnaan tergantung
pada setiap individu yang mengambil tanggung jawab untuk memperoleh dan
mempertahankan kompetensi profesional. Seorang profesional harus berpartisipasi
dalam menentukan standar untuk level kompetensi yang sesuai, dan berusaha untuk
meraih standar tersebut.
Know and respect existing laws pertaining to professional
Anggota ACM harus
mematuhi hukum lokal, provinsi, nasional, dan internasional yang berlaku
kecuali ada dasar etika yang memaksakan untuk tidak mematuhinya.
Accept and provide appropriate professional review
Kualitas kerja
profesional tergantung dari tinjauan dan kritik profesional. Setiap individu
sebaiknya meminta dan memanfaatkan tinjauan individu profesional lainnya dan
juga memberikan tinjauan kritis terhadap hasil kerja individu lain.
Give comprehensive and thorough evaluations of computer
systems and their impacts, including analysis of possible risks
Seorang profesional
harus berusaha untuk perhatian, teliti, dan objektif ketika mengevaluasi,
merekomendasikan, dan mempresentasikan deskripsi sistem dan alternatifnya.
Setiap tanda bahaya yang mungkin ditimbulkan oleh sistem harus dilaporkan
kepada siapapun yang mempunyai kesempatan dan/atau tanggung jawab untuk
memecahkan masalah tersebut.
Honor contracts, agreements, and assigned responsibilities
komitmen seseorang adalah masalah integritas dan kejujuran. Untuk seorang
profesional di bidang komputer, ini termasuk memastikan bahwa elemen-elemen
sistem berfungsi seperti yang diinginkan. Juga, ketika seseorang menjalin
kontrak untuk bekerja dengan suatu kelompok, orang tersebut mempunyai kewajiban
untuk menginformasikan kelompok tersebut tentang kemajuan pekerjaannya.
Improve public understanding of computing and its
Seorang profesional
mempunyai kewajiban untuk berbagi pengetahuan teknis dengan publik dengan cara
mendorong pemahaman terhadap komputer, termasuk pengaruh dari sistem komputer
dan keterbatasannya.
Access computing and communication resources only when
authorized to do so
Seseorang harus
selalu memiliki persetujuan yang sesuai sebelum menggunakan sumber daya sistem,
termasuk port komunikasi, file space, periferal sistem lainnya, dan waktu
Organizational leadership imperatives
Articulate social responsibilities of members of an
organizational unit and encourage full acceptance of those responsibilities
Pemimpin organisasi
harus mendorong partisipasi total dalam memenuhi kewajiban sosial dan juga
kualitas performa.
Manage personnel and resources to design and build
information systems that enhance the quality of working life
Pemimpin organisasi
bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa sistem komputer meningkatkan, bukan
menurunkan, kualitas dari kehidupan kerja.
Acknowledge and support proper and authorized uses of an
organization’s computing and communication resources
Pemimpin organisasi
mempunyai kewajiban untuk mendefinisikan secara jelas penggunaan yang tepat dan
tidak tepat sumber daya komputer organisasi. Walaupun jumlah dan lingkup
peraturan sebaiknya minimal, peraturan tersebut harus dijalankan secara penuh.
Ensure that users and those who will be affected by a system
have their needs clearly articulated during the assessment and design of
requirements; later the system must be validated to meet requirements
Pengguna sistem
sekarang, pengguna potensial, dan orang lain yang hidupnya mungkin terpengaruh
oleh sebuah sistem harus dinilai kebutuhannya dan dimasukkan kedalam pernyataan
persyaratan. Validasi sistem harus memastikan pemenuhan terhadap persyaratan
Articulate and support policies that protect the dignity of
users and others affected by a computing system
Profesional dalam
bidang komputer yang berada dalam posisi sebagai pembuat keputusan harus harus
memeriksa bahwa sistem didisain dan diimplementasikan untuk melindungi rahasia
pribadi dan meningkatkan martabat.
Create opportunities for members of the organization to
learn the principles and limitations of computer systems
Kesempatan harus
tersedia untuk seluruh anggota untuk menolong mereka meningkatkan pengetahuan
dan kemampuan komputernya, termasuk membiasakan diri mereka dengan konsekuensi
dan keterbatasan tipe-tipe sistem tertentu.
Compliance with the code
Uphold and promote the principles of this code
Setiap anggota ACM
harus taat pada prinsip-prinsip yang tercantum dalam kode etik ini dan juga
mendorong dan mendukung ketaatan oleh anggota lainnya.
Treat violations of this code as inconsistent with
membership in the ACM
profesional terhadap sebuah kode etik adalah masalah kerelaan. Tetapi, jika
seorang anggota tidak mengikuti kode ini dengan melakukan pelanggaran fatal,
keanggotaan ACM dapat dibatalkan.
Rangkuman Code of Ethic
Kode Etik mengatur tentang kejujuran dan kepercayaan, menghindari merugikan
orang lain, adil, menghargai privasi, dan pengorganisasian kepemimpinan.
for Information Systems (AIS)
for Information Systems (AIS)
for Information Systems (AIS) merupakan asosiasi profesional utama bagi individu dan organisasi yang memimpin penelitian, pengajaran, praktek, dan studi sistem informasi di seluruh dunia. AIS melayani masyarakat
melalui kemajuan pengetahuan dan
promosi keunggulan dalam praktek
dan studi sistem informasi.
mempromosikan diri sebagai pemimpin global untuk keunggulan dalam penelitian
sistem informasi, praktek, dan pendidikan. Memposisikan sistem informasi
sebagai profesi utama dalam pelayanan masyarakat. Memimpin dan mempromosikan
keunggulan dalam pendidikan sistem informasi. Memimpin dan mempromosikan
keunggulan dalam sistem informasi beasiswa. Mengembangkan komunitas dengan
menyediakan layanan dan produk untuk memenuhi beragam kebutuhan anggota dan
masyarakat terkait .
memiliki anggota dari lebih dari 90 negara, dan terdiri dari tiga wilayah yang
berbeda: Wilayah 1, Amerika; Wilayah 2, Eropa, Timur Tenga , dan Afrika; dan
Region 3, Asia dan Pasifik. Sementara masing-masing daerah menawarkan karakter
yang unik, masing-masing juga aktif dengan tujuan dan misi dari asosiasi
keseluruhan diaudit Finansial.
Berikut ini lembaran kode
etik dari AIS dalam halaman resminya
yang berbahasa inggris :
of Research Conduct
of AIS must adhere to the AIS Code of Research Conduct in their work. AIS
Council's process for dealing with allegations of scholarly misconduct in the
Association's journals and proceedings is detailed in AIS Research Conduct
Committee Process Guidelines
AIS Code of Research Conduct expresses the standards expected of persons
qualified to be members, in relation to research and publication. The primary
focus is on scholarly works, but much of the Code also applies to publications
for teaching purposes (such as course syllabi and reading materials) and for consultancy
purposes. The Code does not purport to regulate general conduct (e.g. towards
society and the environment) or guide members in areas of professional activity
such as teaching and consultancy more generally, and workplace behavior. The
Code is intended to have application in the following ways:
provides guidance for people entering the profession of information systems
research as to what plagiarism is, and how to avoid committing it; and it is
suitable for use as a resource in postgraduate training.
provides a reference-point for members of the profession of information systems
research, including guidance on how to interpret the notion of plagiarism, how
to evaluate whether a particular act or omission constitutes plagiarism, and if
so how serious an instance of plagiarism it is.
provides a basis for consideration by the AIS Research Conduct Committee of
instances of possible scholarly misconduct by a member in relation to research
and publication activities.
provides a benchmark, recommended by AIS, against which other organisations
such as courts, tribunals, employers and publishers can consider instances of
possible scholarly misconduct by information systems professionals in relation
to research and publication activities.
each Code Item below, an explanation is provided. The explanations do not
attempt to cover every variation of possible misconduct; they are intended to
provide a general understanding of each Code Item and its underlying
document also provides guidance in relation to the consequences that may follow
on from a finding by the Research Conduct Committee that a breach of the Code
has occurred. See ‘Consequences’.
The body of the Code is divided into
three groups of Code Items. They are listed below in summary form, with
detailed interpretations and guidance in the following sections.
CATEGORY ONE: must ALWAYS be adhered to.
not plagiarize.
not fabricate or falsify data, research procedures, or data analysis.
CATEGORY TWO: Codes in this category
are "recommended ethical behaviour".
the rights of research subjects, particularly their rights to information
privacy, and to being informed about the nature of the research and the types
of activities in which they will be asked to engage.
not make misrepresentations to editors and conference program chairs about the
originality of papers you submit to them.
not abuse the authority and responsibility you have been given as an editor,
reviewer or supervisor, and ensure that personal relationships do not interfere
with your judgement.
any material conflict of interest that might interfere with your ability to be
objective and impartial when reviewing submissions, grant applications,
software, or undertaking work from outside sources.
not take or use published data of others without acknowledgement, or
unpublished data without both permission and acknowledgement.
the substantive contributions of all research participants, whether colleagues
or students, according to their intellectual contribution.
not use other people’s unpublished writings, information, ideas, concepts or
data that you may see as a result of processes such as peer review without
permission of the author.
archival material only in accordance with the rules of the archival source.
ADVICE: The following suggestions
are provided on how to protect yourself from authorship disputes, mis-steps,
mistakes, and even legal action.
the documentation and data necessary to validate your original authorship for
each scholarly work with which you are connected.
not republish old ideas of your own as if they were a new intellectual
data set ownership issues before data compilation.
II. Category One
Code Items in this category must
ALWAYS be adhered to and disregard for them constitutes a serious ethical
breach. Serious breaches can result in your expulsion from academic
associations, dismissal from your employment, legal action against you, and
potentially fatal damage to your academic reputation.
not plagiarize.
Plagiarism is the presentation of
the documented work of another person as one's own, without attribution
appropriate for the medium of presentation. Guidance is provided in relation to
the application of that definition to the evaluation of an instance of alleged
plagiarism. See ‘Applying the Definition of Plagiarism’
The seriousness of an act of
plagiarism depends on the following factors:
the plagiarism is intentional or reckless (rather than merely careless or
nature of the new work in which the plagiarized material or idea appears;
extent to which originality is claimed in the new work;
nature of the incorporated material; and
nature of the attribution provided.
is provided in relation to the evaluation of an instance of alleged plagiarism
against each of those factors. See ‘Evaluating the Seriousness of an Allegation
of Plagiarism’.
The most serious forms of plagiarism
are those that are extreme on all counts, i.e.:
intentional or reckless;
in a refereed or scholarly work;
an express or implied claim of originality;
appropriation of substantial and/or significant parts of a work; and
to provide attribution, or even evidence measures to obscure the origins of the
material or ideas.
Serious acts of plagiarism are
harmful to academic endeavor, and constitute a serious breach of this Code.
They require action by appropriate organizations, such as publishers of the
plagiarizing work, the plagiarizer's employer, and the plagiarizer's
professional body.
many instances of plagiarism are mis-judgments or errors, arising from such
sources as inadequate understanding of attribution norms, and failure to
appreciate the importance of providing credit for ideas that are significantly
original. These are appropriately addressed through such means as apology,
amendment of the digital 'original' of the work, or publication of an errata
notice; and reprimand, caution or mentoring.
minor acts of plagiarism should not be perceived, and nor should they be
represented, as being 'misconduct' of a kind that warrants harsh disciplinary
measures such as demotion, non-renewal of contract or cessation of employment.
Further guidance is provided as follows:
relation to actions that should be considered by someone who, after undertaking
the above analysis, believes that their work has been subject to serious
plagiarism. See ‘Guidelines for a Victim: Dealing with Serious Plagiarism’;
within the Information Systems literature on plagiarism by academics. See the
Reference List.
not fabricate or falsify data, research procedures, or data analysis.
Data fabrication or falsification is
a very serious offense. Data fabrication and falsification deceives reviewers,
editors and readers as to what really occurred in the research, and therefore
the significance of the outcomes of the research. Scholars should not doctor, tamper
with or edit data, misreport research methods (including adding procedures they
did not perform, or omitting procedures they did perform), or tamper with the
results of data analysis.
Acts of this nature are harmful to
academic endeavor, and constitute a serious breach of this Code. They require
action by appropriate organizations, such as the publishers, the person’s
employer, and the person’s professional body.
III. Category Two
Codes in this category are
"recommended ethical behavior". Flagrant disregard of these or other
kinds of professional etiquette, while less serious, can result in damage to
your reputation, editorial sanctions, professional embarrassment, legal action,
and the ill will of your colleagues. While individual scholars may disagree
about the most appropriate action to take in a particular situation, a broad
consensus exists that violation of any of the rules in this category
constitutes a breach of professional ethics.
the rights of research subjects, particularly their rights to information
privacy, and to being informed about the nature of the research and the types
of activities in which they will be asked to engage.
Scholars are expected to maintain, uphold
and promote the rights of research subjects, especially rights associated with
their information privacy. Subjects in academic research routinely volunteer
information about their behavior, attitudes, intellect, abilities, experience,
health, education, emotions, aspirations, and so on. If you are collecting such
data, you have an obligation to respect the confidentiality of your subjects by
storing data in a secure place, destroying it after a specified period of time,
and never using it for any purpose other than that to which the subjects agreed
prior to their participation.
In addition, unless an
institutionally-approved research protocol allows otherwise, research subjects
should be informed in advance of the purpose of any research procedure or activities
in which they may be asked to participate. They also have the right to withdraw
from the research at any stage.
Researchers must respect these
rights and not coerce or otherwise force research subjects to participate
against their will, or in a manner that is not conducive with their best
not make misrepresentations to editors and conference program chairs about the
originality of papers you submit to them. Academic journals and conference
proceedings are the public record of original scientific research. In addition,
editors and reviewers contribute their own scarce resources of time and energy
as a service to the academic community. Hence you should not:
a manuscript for review which is identical or very similar to work you have
published previously or which has been accepted elsewhere for publication; or
essentially the same paper before reviewers of multiple journals at the same
time, or multiple conferences at the same time.
Some practices in this area may be
legitimate, however. A common example is the presentation of a paper at a
conference, in order to obtain comment and discussion, followed by revision to
reflect feedback from reviewers and the conference presentation, and submission
to a journal. Another is republication as a book chapter, in which case the
editor must be aware of the paper’s prior publication from the outset, and any
copyright constraints must be respected. With any form of republication,
attention should be drawn to the prior paper by formal reference or
would generally be unethical to have essentially the same paper before the
editor of a journal and under consideration for presentation at a conference at
the same time, but not if this is negotiated with both editors at the time of
submission and they both choose to have it reviewed.
further example is withdrawal of a paper from one venue and submission to
another. This may be legitimate in such circumstances as where the first
journal is very slow to provide reviews, the editor requests changes that the
author is not prepared to make, or the author’s travel plans change and the
intended conference venue is no longer on the itinerary. It is important that
explicit notice of withdrawal be provided to the first editor prior to
submitting the work to the second editor.
not abuse the authority and responsibility you have been given as an editor,
reviewer or supervisor, and ensure that personal relationships do not interfere
with your judgement.
Editors, reviewers and supervisors
are by definition in a position of authority over others. Under no
circumstances should you use your position for personal advantage (such as by
coercion) or to the disadvantage of others. You should also take care that any
personal relationship that pre-exists or develops during the course of the
editorial or supervisory process does not interfere with your ability to be
objective. If such a situation does arise, then you should at least make a
declaration and preferably withdraw from any decision-making process concerning
the individual with whom the relationship exists.
As an editor or reviewer, you also
have an ethical obligation to complete your reviews and review-related actions
in a timely fashion. Editors and reviewers should work together to ensure a
prompt review cycle ideally not exceeding three months from the date of receipt
of the manuscript to the date a decision has been communicated to the
any material conflict of interest that might interfere with your ability to be
objective and impartial when reviewing submissions, grant applications or
software, and undertaking commissioned work.
Scholars are routinely involved in
reviewing submissions for journals, conferences, granting agencies, job
applications, cases involving promotion or tenure, book manuscripts, and
occasionally product (especially software) assessments. But conflicts of
interest can and do arise in a relatively tight academic community. Such
conflicts may involve personal, scholarly, financial or other relationships –
any relationship which might interfere with your ability to remain objective
and impartial. You must reveal to any relevant parties any actual or potential
conflict of interest prior to agreeing to undertake any review, assessment or
critique, and as part of the report that you submit.
not take or use published data of others without acknowledgement, or
unpublished data without both permission and acknowledgement.
Compiling a set of data, whether
from the field, laboratory, or secondary sources, may require a substantial
investment of time, energy, and financial resources. You should not use or
publish from someone else's data set without their permission. However, data
appearing as part of a publication is by definition in the public record and
may be used without permission, though not without acknowledgement. See
"Settle data ownership issues before data compilation” in the Advice
section below.
the substantive contributions of all research participants, whether colleagues or
students, according to their intellectual contribution.
Since authorship implies a claim to,
and readiness to take public responsibility for, the intellectual activity
involved in a publication, only those who have made a substantial intellectual
contribution to the research should be listed as authors. Submitting a
manuscript to which non-participating authors are added, for whatever purpose,
is a form of misrepresentation.
Each participant in the work,
whether colleagues, students or other research assistants, should be
acknowledged according to their intellectual contribution to the final product.
Such acknowledgment may occur in the form of author inclusion and authorship
order, by formal acknowledgement in an endnote, or by mention in the text. Thus,
a colleague who performs as the intellectual leader of the effort but who may
have done little actual writing may qualify as an author, and a colleague who
performs sophisticated data analyses but who may have only peripheral interest
in the subject matter may also be included as an author – in both cases,
depending on the intellectual contribution of the analyses performed. By
contrast, a research assistant who collects the data set, however substantial,
may only qualify for acknowledgement because of the absence of significant
intellectual contribution.
Individuals responsible for major
parts of the funding of a project are occasionally given full authorship
credit. Practice varies in this regard, but such attribution should be avoided
wherever possible since there is no inherent connection between intellectual
contribution and financial contribution. The IS community generally interprets
an attribution of authorship as a recognition of substantive contribution to
the research, not as knowledge of how best to fund a project.
not use other people’s unpublished writings, information, ideas, concepts or
data that you may see as a result of processes such as peer review without
permission of the author.
When you serve as a reviewer or
editor, you gain privileged access to documents in the review process.
Reviewers and editors must respect this privilege by maintaining the
confidentiality of information seen in the review process. If you wish to cite
or otherwise use or distribute such unpublished material, you should do so only
with prior permission of the author.
Independently of a review process,
you may receive unpublished work by way of working papers, visiting scholar
research seminars, or in the recruiting process as candidates present a paper
as part of a visit. Do not use or quote such material without obtaining prior
permission of the author.
10. Use archival material only in
accordance with the rules of the archival source.
Archived material, perhaps in the
form of digital libraries, is made available by individual researchers,
institutions and professional societies. This archived material is usually
subject to rules on dissemination, citation, copying and so on. Such rules may
be in place to meet copyright or other legal requirements and must be respected.
IV. Advice
ADVICE: Some suggestions on how to
protect yourself from authorship disputes, mis-steps, mistakes, and even legal
the documentation and data necessary to validate your original authorship for
each scholarly work with which you are connected.
Plagiarism may be damaging and
traumatic for all involved – those plagiarised, those who plagiarise (and are
detected), editors, reviewers, colleagues, department heads, and even deans.
But plagiarism complaints may be more readily resolved, and harm redressed if
you maintain a ‘paper trail’, i.e., documents (hardcopy or electronic) which
establish your authorship.
For each scholarly work with which
you are involved, maintain sufficient information to establish that you are the
original author. This includes correspondence (whether electronic or paper)
with editors, reviewers, and publishers and early versions of the manuscript.
Other materials of value include reviewer comments and rejection letters if the
manuscript was submitted for publication; and any related working papers,
conference proceedings and research grants. Dated materials are particularly
important since they can serve as the strongest evidence of your original
authorship. For further advice in dealing with a situation in which you feel
your work has been plagiarized, see Guidelines for a Victim.
not republish ideas of your own as if they were a new intellectual
As your research program and
publications unfold, you will commonly cite and describe your prior work. In
fact, reviewing your own research stream may be the only practical way to
provide the context necessary for the new work you are discussing. This is
especially the case if you are pioneering in a niche area.
But you should not attempt to build
a new article largely from a re-working of your previous publications, unless
there is a sufficient new contribution. For example, the threads of previous
thought may be re-woven to reveal new patterns, perspectives or insights, or
the previous work may be re-expressed in order to address a new audience, in
particular academics in adjacent disciplines, or information systems
professionals. Unimproved re-publication of one’s own work is sometimes
referred to by the expression ‘self-plagiarism’, and should be avoided.
data set ownership issues before data compilation.
Disputes over data sets are more
likely to occur among collaborating researchers than with other parties. For
example, data may be collected and analyzed by a research team, but later a
team member separately publishes an article reporting new analyses of the data.
Other team members ‘cry foul’ but the author argues that the work in question
was not envisaged when the data set was first collected. Furthermore, he
argues, as a co-owner of the data set, he should have the right to publish from
it without seeking the permission of other co-owners. There are many other
possible disputes regarding the use of data sets - disputes for which there may
be no clear-cut resolution but which can nonetheless result in severe
inter-personal tensions and recrimination.
To avoid such situations,
collaborating scholars should reach an explicit agreement (in writing) on the
use of a data set, ideally prior to its compilation. The agreement should
include the acknowledgement necessary to satisfy the co-owners, should a
publication result. The acknowledgment may be as modest as an endnote, or as
significant as co-authorship, depending on the co-owners’ intellectual
contribution to the publication. In general, in no case should you risk the ill
will of your colleagues or accusations of misbehavior by failing to secure
explicit prior permission (in writing) to use a data set, whether or not you
are a co-owner.
appropriate colleagues if in doubt.
Learning the finer points of
scholarly etiquette is a slow process. Even experienced scholars sometimes
disagree on what constitutes acceptable behavior or whether or not a particular
act is ethical. But if you have doubts about how to behave or deal with a
particular research or publishing situation, consult with an appropriate
V. Acknowledgement
The following sources are
Canadian Association of University
Teachers (CAUT) Collective Bargaining Model Clause on Fraud and Misconduct in
Academic Research and Scholarly Activity
Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Integrity in Research and Scholarship Policy
University of Minnesota - Academic
Misconduct Procedures
University of Minnesota - Board of
Regents Policy "Code of Conduct”
The original version of the AIS Code
of Research Conduct (September 23, 2003) was prepared by the AIS Research
Conduct Committee consisting of Robert Davison, City University of Hong Kong,
Malcolm Munro, University of Calgary, and Detmar Straub, Georgia State
The current revision of May 2009 was
prepared by a Task Group established by David Avison, AIS President, comprising
Robert Davison, City University of Hong Kong (Chair), Cynthia Beath, University
of Texas at Austin, and Roger Clarke, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd and the
Australian National University. It benefited from comments provided by a small,
invited Reference Group. The supporting documents relating to the evaluation of
accusations of plagiarism drew on Clarke (2006). Feedback and questions may be
directed to the chairperson of the Research Conduct Committee at
Sesuai dengan kode etik
yang sudah dilampirkan diatas, dapat dipetakan bahwa dalam kode etik tersebut
terbagi menjadi tiga bagian, yakni bagian satu yang memang harus selalu
ditaati, bagian kedua yang dianjurkan untuk dilaksanakan, dan bagian ketiga
untuk hal nasihat.
Beberapa hal yang ada
dalam kategori satu adalah:
Jangan memplagiat.
Jangan mengarang atau memalsukan data,
prosedur penelitian, atau analisis data.
Beberapa hal yang ada
dalam kategori dua adalah:
Menghormati hak-hak subyek penelitian,
khususnya hak-hak mereka untuk privasi informasi, dan untuk mendapat informasi
tentang sifat penelitian dan jenis kegiatan di mana mereka akan diminta untuk
terlibat .
Jangan membuat kekeliruan untuk editor
dan kursi program konferensi tentang keaslian surat-surat yang Anda kirimkan
kepada mereka .
Jangan menyalahgunakan wewenang dan
tanggung jawab yang Anda telah diberikan sebagai editor , reviewer atau
supervisor , dan memastikan bahwa hubungan pribadi tidak mengganggu
pertimbangan .
Menyatakan konflik kepentingan materi
yang mungkin mengganggu kemampuan Anda untuk bersikap objektif dan tidak
memihak ketika meninjau pengajuan , aplikasi hibah , software , atau melakukan
pekerjaan dari sumber-sumber luar .
Jangan mengambil atau menggunakan data
yang diterbitkan orang lain tanpa pengakuan , atau data tidak dipublikasikan
tanpa izin baik dan pengakuan .
Mengakui kontribusi substantif semua peserta
penelitian , baik rekan kerja atau siswa , sesuai dengan kontribusi intelektual
mereka .
Jangan menggunakan tulisan orang lain
yang tidak dipublikasikan , informasi , ide, konsep atau data yang mungkin Anda
lihat sebagai hasil dari proses seperti peer review tanpa izin dari penulis .
Gunakan bahan-bahan arsip hanya sesuai
dengan aturan sumber arsip .
Beberapa hal yang ada
dalam kategori ketiga adalah:
Jauhkan dokumentasi dan data yang
diperlukan untuk memvalidasi penulis asli Anda untuk setiap karya ilmiah yang
Anda terhubung .
Jangan menerbitkan ide-ide lama Anda
sendiri seolah-olah mereka kontribusi intelektual baru .
Settle kumpulan data masalah kepemilikan
sebelum kompilasi data.
Berkonsultasi kolega yang tepat jika
Association of Information Technology Proffesionals (AITP)
AITP is the leading worldwide society of information technology business
professionals and the community of knowledge for the current and next
generation of leaders. Adopted December, 2008.
Code of Ethic
That I have an obligation to management,
therefore, I shall promote the understanding of information processing methods
and procedures to management using every resource at my command.
That I have an obligation to my fellow members,
therefore, I shall uphold the high ideals of AITP as outlined in its
Association Bylaws. Further, I shall cooperate with my fellow members and shall
treat them with honesty and respect at all times.
That I have an obligation to society and will
participate to the best of my ability in the dissemination of knowledge
pertaining to the general development and understanding of information
processing. Further, I shall not use knowledge of a confidential nature to
further my personal interest, nor shall I violate the privacy and confidentiality
of information entrusted to my or to which I may gain access.
That I have an obligation to my employer whose
trust I hold, therefore, I shall endeavor to discharge this obligation to the
best of my ability, to guard my employer's interests, and to advise him or her
wisely and honestly.
That I have an obligation to my college or
university, therefore, I shall uphold its ethical and moral principles.
That I have an obligation to my country,
therefore, in my personal, business, and social contacts, I shall uphold my
nation and shall honor the chosen way of life of my fellow citizens.
I accept these obligations as a personal
responsibility and as a member of this Association, I shall actively discharge
these obligations and I dedicate myself to that end.
Rangkuman Code of Ethic
Kode etik dari AITP mengatur tentang tanggung jawab,
dan kewajiban seorang Profesional.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer
Society (IEEE-CS)
The Software
Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice, produced by the
Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Computer Society (IEEE CS)
and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), acts as a professional
standard for teaching and practicing software engineering.
Code of Ethic
Public: Software
engineers shall act consistently with the public interest.
Client and
Employer: Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best
interests of their client and employer, consistent with the public interest.
Product: Software
engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the
highest professional standards possible.
Judgement: Software
engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional
Software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an
ethical approach to the management of software development and maintenance.
Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession
consistent with the public interest.
Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues.
Self: Software
engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of
their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the
Rangkuman Code of
Kode etik IEEE-CS mengatur Insinyur tentang hal-hal yang
bersangkutan dengan publikasi, Klien dan Pegawai, Produk, penilaian,
manajemen,profesi dan kolega.
Project Management Institute (PMI)
The Project
Management Institute (PMI) is a not-for-profitprofessional organization for the project management profession with the purpose of
advancing project management.
Code of Ethic
As practitioners of
project management, we are committed to doing what is right and honorable. We
set high standards for ourselves and we aspire to meet these standards in all
aspects of our lives—at work, at home, and in service to our profession.
This Code of Ethics
and Professional Conduct describes the expectations that we have of ourselves
and our fellow practitioners in the global project management community. It
articulates the ideals to which we aspire as well as the behaviors that are
mandatory in our professional and volunteer roles.
The purpose of this
Code is to instill confidence in the project management profession and to help
an individual become a better practitioner. We do this by establishing a
profession-wide understanding of appropriate behavior. We believe that the
credibility and reputation of the project management profession is shaped by
the collective conduct of individual practitioners.
Rangkuman Code of
Kode etik PMI ini bertujuan untuk membentuk kepercayaan diri
seorang profesional mengenai manajemen projeknya dan untuk membantu indivisu
lain menjadi lebih baik.
SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security(SANS) Institute
The SANS Institute was
established in 1989 as a cooperative research and education organization. Its
programs now reach more than 165,000 security professionals around the world. A
range of individuals from auditors and network administrators, to chief
information security officers are sharing the lessons they learn and are
jointly finding solutions to the challenges they face. At the heart of SANS are
the many security practitioners in varied global organizations from
corporations to universities working together to help the entire information
security community.
Code of Ethic
I will strive to
know myself and be honest about my capability.
I will strive for
technical excellence in the IT profession by maintaining and enhancing my own
knowledge and skills. I acknowledge that there are many free resources
available on the Internet and affordable books and that the lack of my
employer's training budget is not an excuse nor limits my ability to stay
current in IT.
When possible I
will demonstrate my performance capability with my skills via projects,
leadership, and/or accredited educational programs and will encourage others to
do so as well.
I will not hesitate
to seek assistance or guidance when faced with a task beyond my abilities or
experience. I will embrace other professionals' advice and learn from their
experiences and mistakes. I will treat this as an opportunity to learn new
techniques and approaches. When the situation arises that my assistance is
called upon, I will respond willingly to share my knowledge with others.
I will strive to
convey any knowledge (specialist or otherwise) that I have gained to others so
everyone gains the benefit of each other's knowledge.
I will teach the
willing and empower others with Industry Best Practices (IBP). I will offer my
knowledge to show others how to become security professionals in their own
right. I will strive to be perceived as and be an honest and trustworthy
I will not advance
private interests at the expense of end users, colleagues, or my employer.
I will not abuse my
power. I will use my technical knowledge, user rights, and permissions only to
fulfill my responsibilities to my employer.
I will avoid and be
alert to any circumstances or actions that might lead to conflicts of interest
or the perception of conflicts of interest. If such circumstance occurs, I will
notify my employer or business partners.
I will not steal
property, time or resources.
I will reject
bribery or kickbacks and will report such illegal activity.
I will report on
the illegal activities of myself and others without respect to the punishments
involved. I will not tolerate those who lie, steal, or cheat as a means of
success in IT.
I will conduct my
business in a manner that assures the IT profession is considered one of
integrity and professionalism.
I will not injure
others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action.
I will not use availability
and access to information for personal gains through corporate espionage.
I distinguish
between advocacy and engineering. I will not present analysis and opinion as
I will adhere to
Industry Best Practices (IBP) for system design, rollout, hardening and
I am obligated to
report all system vulnerabilities that might result in significant damage.
I respect
intellectual property and will be careful to give credit for other's work. I
will never steal or misuse copyrighted, patented material, trade secrets or any
other intangible asset.
I will accurately
document my setup procedures and any modifications I have done to equipment.
This will ensure that others will be informed of procedures and changes I've
I respect privacy
and confidentiality.
I respect the
privacy of my co-workers' information. I will not peruse or examine their
information including data, files, records, or network traffic except as
defined by the appointed roles, the organization's acceptable use policy, as approved
by Human Resources, and without the permission of the end user.
I will obtain
permission before probing systems on a network for vulnerabilities.
I respect the right
to confidentiality with my employers, clients, and users except as dictated by
applicable law. I respect human dignity.
I treasure and will
defend equality, justice and respect for others.
I will not
participate in any form of discrimination, whether due to race, color, national
origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender/sexual identity or
expression, marital status, creed, religion, age, disability, veteran's status,
or political ideology.
Rangkuman Code of
SysAdmin, Audit,
Network, Security(SANS) Institute mengatur tentang kejujuran, perilaku dalam bisnis, integritas, profesionalisme,
serta menghargai privasi orang lain.
Information System Audit and Control Association (ISACA)
ISACAadalahsuatuorganisasiprofesiinternasional di bidang tata kelola teknologi informasi yang
didirikan di AmerikaSerikatpadatahun1967. Awalnya
dikenal dengan nama lengkap Information Systems Audit and Control Association,
saatini ISACA hanya menggunakan akronimnya untuk merefleksikan cakupan luasnya
di bidang tata kelola teknologi informasi.
Code of Ethic
Support the
implementation of, and encourage compliance with, appropriate standards and
procedures for the effective governance and management of enterprise
information systems and technology, including: audit, control, security and
risk management.
Perform their
duties with objectivity, due diligence and professional care, in accordance
with professional standards.
Serve in the
interest of stakeholders in a lawful manner, while maintaining high standards
of conduct and character, and not discrediting their profession or the
Maintain the
privacy and confidentiality of information obtained in the course of their
activities unless disclosure is required by legal authority. Such information
shall not be used for personal benefit or released to inappropriate parties.
Maintain competency
in their respective fields and agree to undertake only those activities they
can reasonably expect to complete with the necessary skills, knowledge and
Inform appropriate
parties of the results of work performed including the disclosure of all
significant facts known to them that, if not disclosed, may distort the
reporting of the results.
Support the
professional education of stakeholders in enhancing their understanding of the
governance and management of enterprise information systems and technology,
including: audit, control, security and risk management.
Failure to comply
with this Code of Professional Ethics can result in an investigation into a
member's or certification holder's conduct and, ultimately, in disciplinary
Rangkuman Code of
etik ISACA mengatur tentang mengerjakan kewajiban profesional dengan objektif
serta tentang profesional care.
8. CompTIA
a. Deskripsi
CompTIA is the
leading provider of vendor-neutral IT certifications in the world. We offer 16
certification exams in PC support, networking, servers, Linux, security and
more. CompTIA has been delivering certification exams for more than 20 years
and is committed to continually improving the service we provide to the
b. Code Of Ethic
All information
submitted for participating in and earning units from the CCEP must have been
completed by the participating Certified Person.
A Certified Person
shall abide by all the terms and conditions set forth in the CompTIA
Candidate Agreement.
A Certified Person
shall only submit continuing education units that they themselves have
A Certified Person
shall only provide accurate and authentic information for earning continuing
education units.
A Certified Person
shall abide by the CompTIA Continuing Education Audit
Policies as set forth by CompTIA
from time to time.
A Certified Person
shall offer and provide professional services with integrity.
A Certified Person
shall perform professional services in a manner that is fair and reasonable to
clients, principals, partners and employers, and shall disclose conflict(s) of
interest in providing such services.
A Certified Person
shall not disclose any confidential client information without the specific
consent of the client.
A Certified Person
will always conduct themselves in a manner which enhances the image of the
A Certified Person
shall provide services to clients competently and maintain the necessary
knowledge and skill to continue to do so in those areas in which they are
A Certified Person
shall not solicit clients through false or misleading communications or
In the course of
performing professional activities, a Certified Person shall not engage in
conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation, or knowingly
make a false or misleading statement to a client, employer, employee,
professional colleague, governmental or other regulatory body or official, or
any other person or entity.
Rangkuman Code of
Orang yang sudah disertifikasi tidak boleh menggunakan
sertifikasi untuk melakukan kebohongan, penipuan, penyajian yang keliru, atau
dengan sengaja membuat statemen yang salah kepada klien.
9. Microsoft
a. Deskripsi
Microsoft Corporation is engaged in developing, licensing and supporting a range of software products and services. The Company also designs and sells hardware, and delivers online advertising to the customers.
b. Code Of Ethic
Act with honesty
and integrity, avoiding actual or apparent conflicts of interest in their
personal and professional relationships.
Provide stakeholders
with information that is accurate, complete, objective, fair, relevant, timely,
and understandable, including information in our filings with and other
submissions to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and other public
Comply with rules
and regulations of federal, state, provincial, and local governments, and of
other appropriate private and public regulatory agencies.
Act in good faith,
responsibly, with due care, competence, and diligence, without misrepresenting
material facts or allowing one’s independent judgment to be subordinated.
Respect the
confidentiality of information acquired in the course of one’s work except when
authorized or otherwise legally obligated to disclose.
Not use
confidential information acquired in the course of one’s work for personal
Share knowledge and
maintain professional skills important and relevant to stakeholders’ needs.
Proactively promote
and be an example of ethical behavior as a responsible partner among peers, in
the work environment and the community.
responsible use, control, and stewardship over all Microsoft assets and
resources that are employed by or entrusted to us.
Not coerce,
manipulate, mislead, or unduly influence any authorized audit or interfere with
any auditor engaged in the performance of an internal or independent audit of
Microsoft’s system of internal controls, financial statements, or accounting
books and records.
Rangkuman Code of
harus berlaku jujur, berintegritas, memfasilitasi stakeholder dengan informasi
yang akurat, lengkap, objektif, adil, relevan, dan dapat dimengerti.
10. Cisco
a. Deskripsi
Cisco System.Inc merupakan perusahaan global dalam bidang jaringan dan telekomunikasi yang bermarkas di San José, California, Amerika Serikat. Cisco System (Cisco) menjual jaringan dan komunikasi teknologi,peralatan dan pelayanan untuk data transportasi, suara dan video untuk keseluruh dunia.
b. Code Of Ethic
Integrity and Compliance
Act with honesty and integrity, avoiding actual or apparent
conflicts of interest in personal and professional relationships
Provide information that is accurate, complete, objective,
relevant, timely, and understandable to help ensure full, fair, accurate,
timely, and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that Cisco files
with, or submits to, governmental agencies and in other public communications
Comply with the rules and regulations of federal, state,
provincial, and local governments, and of other appropriate private and public
regulatory agencies
Act in good faith, responsibly, and with due care,
competence, and diligence, without misrepresenting material facts or allowing
his or her independent judgment to be subordinated
Protecting Information and Assets
Respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the
course of doing his or her work, except when authorized or otherwise legally
obligated to disclose information; confidential information acquired in the
course of his or her work will not be used for personal advantage
Achieve responsible use of and control over all assets and
resources employed by or entrusted to Cisco
Personal Accountability and Serving as a Role Model
Share knowledge and maintain skills important and relevant
to stakeholders’ needs
Proactively promote and be an example of ethical behavior as
a responsible partner among peers, in the work environment and the community
Promptly report to the Vice President of Governance, Risk,
and Controls (GRC) and/or the Chairman of the Audit Committee any conduct that
he or she believes to be a violation of law or business ethics or of any
provision of the COBC, including transactions or relationships that reasonably
could be expected to give rise to such a conflict. (Note: It is against Cisco
policy to retaliate against an employee for good-faith reporting of any
potential or actual Code violations.)
Rangkuman Code of Ethic
Cisco mengatur tentang integritas, pemenuhaan permohonan,
perlindungan informasi dan aset,
pertanggung jawaban pribady, dan pelayanan sebagai role model.
11. Adobe
a. Deskripsi
Adobe Systems adalah perusahaan perangkat lunak yang bergerak di bidang grafis, animasi, video, dan pengembangan web. Adobe adalah salah satu perusahaan perangkat lunak yg paling besar di dunia. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 1982 dan berpusat di San Jose, California, AS. Beberapa dari produk-produknya yang terkenal dan mendunia adalah Photoshop, Flash, dan Acrobat.
b. Code Of Ethic
· Honest and Ethical Conduct
All Senior Officers shall perform their duties in an honest and ethical manner. They shall handle all actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships in an ethical manner. If a Senior Officer becomes aware of a conflict of interest, of any material transaction, or relationship that reasonably could be expected to give rise to a conflict of interest, or a has a question as to a potential conflict of interest, the Senior Officer must consult with the Corporate Compliance Officer or the General Counsel. If a Senior Officer becomes involved in a situation that gives rise to an actual conflict of interest, the Senior Officer must inform the Corporate Compliance Officer or the General Counsel of such conflict.
· Full, Fair, Accurate, Timely, and Understandable Disclosure
Senior Officers shall provide, or cause to be provided, full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that Adobe files with, or submits to, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other public communications made by Adobe.
· Compliance with Governmental Laws, Rules, and Regulations
Each Senior Officer shall comply with applicable governmental laws, rules, and regulations.
c. Rangkuman Code of Ethic
Kode etik Adobe mengatur tentang Kejujuran, etika, keadilan, akurasi, waktu, pemenuhan kebutuhan hukum, aturan dan regulasi
C. Certification
12. Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals(ICCP)
a. Deskripsi
Offering the only broadly applicable and internationally recognized certification program in the profession, the ICCP is seen as the standard bearer for all professionals in the information, communications and technology industry.Since its founding in 1973, the ICCP, a non-profit 501(c) (6) organization, has dedicated itself to the establishment of high professional standards and the furthering of the goals of its parent societies.
b. Code of Ethic
· The basic issue, which may arise in connection with any ethical proceedings before a Certification Council, is whether a holder of a Certificate administered by that Council has acted in a manner which violates the Code of Ethics for certified computing professionals.
· Therefore, the ICCP has elaborated the existing Code of Conduct, which defines more specifically an individual’s professional responsibility. This step was taken in recognition of questions and concerns as to what constitutes professional and ethical conduct in the computing profession.
· The ICCP has reserved for and delegated to each Certification Council the right to revoke any Certificate which has been issued under its administration in the event that the recipient violates the Codes of Ethics, as amplified by the Code of Conduct. There vocation proceedings are specified by rules governing the business of the Certification Council and provide protection of2. the rights of any individual who may be subject to revocation of a certificate held. The ICCP may bypass revocation proceedings and automatically revoke any Certificate for non-compliance with mandatory recertification processes, providing the certificate was awarded subject to mandatory recertification requirements.
· Insofar as violation of the Code of Conduct may be difficult to adjudicate, the ICCP has also promulgated a Code of Good Practice, the violation of which does not in itself constitute a reason to revoke a Certificate. However, any evidence concerning a serious and consistent breach of the Code of Good Practice may be considered as additional circumstantial evidence in any ethical proceedings before a Certification Council.
· Whereas the Code of Conduct is of a fundamental nature, the Code of Good Practice is expected to be amended from time to time to accommodate changes in the social environment and to keep up with the development of the information processing profession.
· A Certification Council will not consider a complaint where the holder’s conduct is already subject to legal proceedings. Any complaint will only be considered when the legal action is completed, or it is established that no legal proceedings will take place.
· Recognizing that the language contained in all sections of either the Code of Conduct or Code of Good Practice is subject to interpretations beyond those intended, the ICCP intends to confine all Codes to the matters pertaining to personal actions of individual certified computing professionals in situations for which they can be held directly accountable without reasonable doubt.
· Certified computing professionals have a responsibility to respect intellectual property rights, including copyrights, patents and trademarks. Violation of copyrights, patents and terms of license agreements is prohibited by law in most circumstances. Even when not so protected, such violations are contrary to professional behavior. Software should be copied only with proper authorization. Unauthorized duplication of both printed and electronic materials must be discouraged including those cases where the work has not been explicitly protected by any means. Credit should not be taken for the work of others. The work of others should not be used without specific acknowledgement and authorization.
c. Rangkuman Code of Ethic
Profesional yang terferifikasi memilikitanggung jawab untuk mengahargai hak para profesional lain. Termasuk hak cipta, hak paten, dan trademarks.
13. International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium ((ISC)²)
a. Deskripsi
The International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium ((ISC)²) is a non-profit organization which specializes in information security education and certifications.[3][4] It has been described as "world's largest IT security organization".[5] The most widely known certification offered by (ISC)² is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.
b. Code of Ethic
All certified (ISC)² professionals are required to support (ISC)² code of ethics. Violations of code of ethics are investigated by peer review panel, with potential of revoking the certification. (ISC)² (along with other security certification organizations) has been criticized for lack of education in the area of ethics.
Rangkuman Code of Ethic
Kode Etik ((ISC)²)
menginvestigasi dengan membandingkan panel review, dengan potensi
penarikan kembali sertifikasinya.
CISA (Certified Information System Auditor)
CISA (Certified
Information System Auditor) adalah sertifikasi yang dikeluarkan oleh ISACA
(Information System Audit & Control Association) sejak 1978, dan sekarang
ini telah diterima sebagai standar global pencapaian bagi profesional audit,
kontrol, jaminan dan/atau keamanan Sistem Informasi (SI). Jika Anda atau
perusahaan Anda memiliki CISA, itu adalah cerminan bahwa secara ketrampilan dan
praktik Anda atau perusahaan Anda mempunyai kecakapan profesional dalam audit,
kontrol, jaminan dan keamanan SI. Seiring dengan tumbuhnya kebutuhan atas
profesional yang memiliki keterampilan
audit, kontrol, jaminan dan keamanan
SI, CISA menjadi program sertifikasi yang semakin dibutuhkan oleh
individu dan organisasi di seluruh dunia. Untuk ujian Juni 2005 saja, lebih dari
19.000 peserta dari seluruh dunia yang ikut serta.
Code of Ethic
Tidak Ada
Rangkuman Code of Ethic
Tidak Ada
CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)
CISSP (Certified Information Systems
Security Professional) merupakan satu-satunya sertifikasi profesional dibidang
keamanan sistem informasi yang tidak mengacu kepada produk tertentu (vendor
neutral) dan mencakup seluruh aspek keamanan mulai dari manajemen keamanan
informasi, keamanan fisik hingga yang sangat teknis seperti cara kerja protokol
jaringan dan algoritma enkripsi asynchronous.
b. Code of Ethics
v Code of Ethics Preamble
Safety of the commonwealth, duty to our principals, and to each other
requires that we adhere, and be seen to adhere, to the highest ethical
standards of behavior. Therefore, strict adherence to this code is a condition
of certification.
v Code of Ethics Canons
Protect society, the commonwealth, and the infrastructure.
Act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally.
Provide diligent and competent service to principals.
Advance and protect the profession.
c. Rangkuman Code of Ethic
CISSP (Certified Information Systems
Security Professional) mengatur tentang keamanan seperti perlindungan sosial,
bersikap menghormati, jujur, kelegalan, kemajuan dan perlindungan profesi.
Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC)
Global Information Assurance
Certification (GIAC) is the leading provider and developer of Information
Security Certifications. GIAC tests and validates the ability of practitioners
in information security, forensics, and software security. GIAC certification
holders are recognized as experts in the IT industry and are sought after
globally by government, military and industry to protect the cyber environment.
Code of Ethic
The scope and
responsibilities of an information security professional are diverse. The
services provided by an information security professional are critical to the
success of an organization and to the overall security posture of the
information technology community. Such responsibilities place a significant
expectation on certified professionals to uphold a standard of ethics to guide
the application and practice of the information security discipline.
A professional
certified by GIAC acknowledges that such a certification is a privilege that
must be earned and upheld. GIAC certified professionals pledge to advocate,
adhere to, and support the Code of Ethics.
GIAC certified
professionals who willfully violate any principle of the Code may be subject to
disciplinary action by GIAC.
Rangkuman Code of
Kode etik GIAC membahas tentang tanggung jawab bagi
profesional yang sudah disertifikasi. Profesional yang sudah disetrtifikasi
oleh GIAC diberi hak istimewa, maka seorang profesional harus
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