

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Network Communication (Tugas Kelompok English)

The application layer is the only part of communication processthet a user sees, and even then, the user doesn’t see most of the work that the application does to prepare a message for sending over a network. The layer converts a message’s data from human-readable form into bits and attaches a header identifying the sending receiving computers.
ž  Subject : The application layer
ž  Keyword : Message in computer
ž  Main idea : Application layer is the only communication part that users sees, the most of communication part can’t seen. It’s convert message from user to digital form and send it to another computer
ž  Reducing : The application layer converts a  message data that is communications process for sending with a network
ž  Supporting details : To prepare a message for sending over a network, converts a message’s data from human

            The presentation layer ensures that the message is transmitted in a language that the receiving computer can interpret (often ASCII). This layer translates the language, if necessary, and then compresses and perhaps ncrypts the data. It adds another header specifying the language as well as the compression and encryption scheme.
ž  Subject : The presentatation layer
ž  Keyword : Computer language
ž  Main idea : Presentation layer ensure the message is sent successfully to receiving computer. Usually ASCII form, and encrypts or translate it if necessary.
ž  Reducing: The presentation layer confirms and translates the language by determining the language to receiving computer
ž  Supporting details : transmitted,  translated, compression and encryption

            The session layer opens communication and has the job of keeping straigh the communication among all nodes on the network. It sets boundaries (called bracketing) for the beginning and end of the message, and establishes whether the message will be sent half duplex, with each computer taking turns sending and receiving, or full-duplex, with both computer sanding and receiving at the same time. The details of these decisions are placed into a session header.
ž  Subject : The sesion layer
ž  Keyword : Layer Computer
ž  Main idea : The session layer opens and keeps straigh the communication among all nodes on the network. It sets bracketing for the beginning and end of the message
ž  Reducing : The sesion layer opens then keeps communication and define how to sending and receiving data
ž  Supporting detail : It opens and keeps straigh communication on the network

            The transport layer protects the data being sent. It subdivides the data into segments, creates cheksum test-mathematical sum based on the content of data-that can be used later to determine if the data was scrambled. It can also make backup copies of the data. The transport header identifes each segment’s checksum and its position in the message.
ž  Subject : The transport layer
ž  Keyword : Drata in computer
ž  Main idea : The transport layer protects then divides the data being sent into segments  based on the content of data, make backup copies and header identifies each segment’s.
ž  Reducing : The function from transport layer is protecting, dividing, making backup copies of the data and identifies each segment’s
ž  Supporting detail : Protects, subdivides, make backup copies of the data and identifies each segment’s

            The network layer selects a route of the message. It from the data into packets, counts them, and adds header containing the cequence of packets and the address of the receiving computers.
ž  Subject : The network layer
ž  Keyword : Transmitting computer
ž  Main idea : The network layer chooses a route of the message, counts and adds header containing of the receiving computers
ž  Reducing  : The task of the network layer is chooses the route, form, count data and add a header containing
ž  Supporting details : Selects a route and counts the message, also adds header

            The data-link layer supervises the transmission. It confirms the checksum, then address and duplicate the packets. This layer keeps the copyof each packet until it receives confirmation from the next piont along the route and the packets has arrived undamaged.
ž  Subject : The data-link layer
ž  Keyword : Data-link
ž  Main idea : The data link supervises the transmission, confirm and duplicate the packets also keeps a copy for receives confirmation along the route and the packets
ž  Reducing : The data-link layer acts to  overseeing the transmission to confirm the checksum and keeps a copy of each packet.
ž  Supporting detail : Supervises the transmission, confirms then address and duplicates the packets, keeps the copy


                         There are a severals layers that exist on the network communications such as application, presentation, session, transport, network and data-link layer. They are interrelated and have tasks for each, the following explanation:
                        First, the application layer converts a  message data that is communications process for sending with a network. Second, the presentation layer confirms and translates the language by determining the language to receiving computer. Third, The sesion layer  opens then keeps communication and define how to sending and receiving data. Fourth, the function from transport layer is protecting, dividing, making backup copies of the data and identifies each segment’s. Next, the task of the network layer is chooses the route, form, count data and add a header. The last, the data-link layer acts to  overseeing the transmission to confirm the checksum and keeps a copy of each packet.
                         So each layer has a role and each work in a communications network

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing this information about Network Communication. This article explains about network layers. There are a severals layers that exist on the network communications such as application, presentation, session, transport, network and data-link layer. They are interrelated and have tasks for each, the following explanation:
    First, the application layer converts a message data that is communications process for sending with a network. Second, the presentation layer confirms and translates the language by determining the language to receiving computer. Third, The sesion layer opens then keeps communication and define how to sending and receiving data. Fourth, the function from transport layer is protecting, dividing, making backup copies of the data and identifies each segment’s. Next, the task of the network layer is chooses the route, form, count data and add a header. The last, the data-link layer acts to overseeing the transmission to confirm the checksum and keeps a copy of each packet.
    So each layer has a role and each work in a communications network
